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If you are looking to become an Accredited Advisor in Insurance, 51Թ has you covered with an AAI prep class. Our AAI prep classes feature a private instructor dedicated to helping you focus on the areas of the exam where you need the most support. An AAI course instructor can ensure that your study time is spent wisely.

AAI exams are split into several different areas of focus, but AAI prep courses can prepare you for segmented versions, an entire exam, or multiple tests. AAI 81 covers the foundational knowledge you need to work as an agent. AAI 82 certifies you to work as an agent offering several different lines. AAI 83 give you the credentials you need for effective sales and agency operations management. AAI 87 allow you to earn AAI-M designation, which qualifies you to work in a leadership role in an insurance agency. Whichever test is right for you, an AAI course can help you feel ready for exam day.

Here's a breakdown of the exams that your AAI class can prepare you for:

AAI Exams Focus Format Time Variations
AAI 81 Foundations of Insurance Production Multiple-Choice 2 Hours Can be taken separately as AAI 81 Segment A, B, and C, each 1 hour long
AAI 82 Multiple-Lines Insurance Production Multiple-Choice 2 Hours Can be taken separately as AAI 82 Segment A, B, and C, each 1 hour long
AAI 83 Agency Operations and Sales Management Multiple-Choice 2 Hours Can be taken separately as AAI 83 Segment A, B, and C, each 1 hour long
AAI 87* Agency Leadership and Strategic Alignment Multiple-Choice 1.5 Hours *This exam is not required and earns AAI-M Designation if passed

One of the advantages of an AAI prep course is that you are the center of attention. An expert in test prep and insurance accreditation can identify where you need the most support. If you're seeking an AAI 82, your class can focus on areas like Surety bonds and workers comp. Because you're working individually with your instructor, you'll have ample time to get comfortable with a new topic before moving on to something else.

If you're not sure where you should be putting in your study efforts, your AAI test prep instructor can perform an intake assessment to identify what you know and what you need to know. With this information as a guide, your instructor can craft AAI prep sessions that can keep you concentrating on your best opportunities to improve your performance on exam day.

AAI tutors also cater to your individual learning needs. Whether you prefer to work through topics via in-depth discussion, draw out diagrams on a whiteboard, or work through practice problems with an instructor providing guidance at your side, AAI tutoring is all about delivering learning services to you in a way that resonates with your learning style. This makes your AAI prep more efficient and effective.

If you're just getting started in your insurance career, here are the topics your AAI class could cover, separated by segment:

  • AAI 81 Segment A Topics
    • The insurance business - an overview
    • Insurance and the legal system
    • Risk management and the producer
    • Insurance sales and account development
  • AAI 81 Segment B Topics:
    • Homeowners insurance
    • Personal automobile insurance
    • Other personal insurance
    • Personal financial planning
  • AAI 81 Segment C Topics:
    • Commercial property insurance Part I and Part II
    • Business income and extra expense insurance
    • Commercial inland and ocean marine insurance

Your AAI prep courses are also flexible because you can work with an instructor who is available when you are. We also provide the innovative Live Learning Platform, a tool for face to face AAI test prep sessions online that features tools like a two-way whiteboard to make studying in a virtual environment just as useful as working with your tutor in the same place. If this sounds good to you, contact 51Թ today. Instead of spending more time online looking for AAI classes, we'll find your instructor and get you started right away.

Contact us today to connect with a top AAI - Accredited Adviser in Insurance instructor