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An Actuarial Exam LTAM course from 51Թ can be an important step on your journey toward becoming an actuary. An Actuarial Exam LTAM course gives you tools and personalized instruction to help you pursue your professional goals.

An Actuarial Exam LTAM class can help you become more familiar with the learning objectives and organization of the test. Below is a table displaying the general layout of the Actuarial Exam LTAM:

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Description Percentage of Test
1. Topic: Long-term insurance coverages Long-term insurance coverages
2. Topic: Survival models and their estimation Parametric and non-parametric (tabular) and multi-state models. Single life, multiple life, and multiple decrements. (15-25%)
3. Topic: Present Value Random Variables Perform calculations pertaining to present value, random values related to benefits and expenses for models listed in topic 2 models. (10-20%)
4. Topic: Premium Calculation Methodologies for premium-calculation (15-30%)
5. Topic: Reserves Insurance and annuity reserves for all models listed in topic 2 (20-30%)
6. Topic: Pension Plans and Retirement Benefits Application of all previous topics to pension plans and retirement benefits. (10-15%)

Those who take this exam are expected to understand a variety of important Actuarial Concepts. Below is a list of expected knowledge that you can prepare for through an Actuarial Exam LTAM class:

Expected Existing Knowledge

  • The theoretical basis of contingent payment models
  • Application of contingent payment models to insurance
  • Application of contingent payment models to financial risks
  • Calculus
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Interest theory

Actuarial Exam LTAM courses are designed with your convenience in mind. Each session takes place through our Live Learning Platform so that you can attend your sessions from anywhere with an internet connection. When you register for Actuarial Exam LTAM classes, we will attempt to place you with a tutor who fits your schedule. In order to remove logistical barriers, your Actuarial Exam LTAM prep course is intended to be flexible and convenient.

Actuarial Exam LTAM prep courses give you the opportunity to learn alongside a skilled tutor who works only with you during your sessions. Because you are the only student, your needs are the priority. However you prefer to learn, you and your instructor can develop a plan to make the most of your time in your Actuarial Exam LTAM Prep course. Actuarial Exam LTAM prep classes give you the opportunity to receive live feedback. This feedback can help you to build your confidence for the exam and to help you build effective habits.

In addition to increasing your understanding of content on this test, Actuarial Exam LTM classes are a space for you to develop your test-taking strategies. Every test is different, so you can work with your instructor to develop strategies that work for this specific exam. Whether you want to improve your time management during the exam, or you want to work on memory devices to help you combat the stress of taking the test, your instructor can help you to feel more comfortable and prepared for the Actuarial Exam LTAM.

You can develop study skills during your Actuarial Exam course that can assist you in both your academic and professional life. As you and your tutor work together to develop an effective study plan and to execute that plan, you can learn habits that can help you to be more effective in a variety of areas of your life.

Actuarial Exam LTAM prep classes from 51Թ are a great resource for your preparation. Preparing for the Actuarial Exam LTAM can be stressful, and because of the stakes that it has for your professional career, it is worth the time and effort to prepare well. We want to walk alongside you through this process to help you feel confident and prepared for this important exam. If you have questions or are interested in registering for an Actuarial Exam LTAM Prep class, Educational Directors are available online or over the phone.

Contact us today to connect with a top Actuarial Exam LTAM instructor